Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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BASIC Source File
417 lines
' Written by Steve Jackson
' 9152 Brabham Drive
' Huntington Beach, CA 92646
' Thanks to John Jaster for some of the dll definitions
' Most of the engine functions are defined here, but not all.
' One that I have not gotten to work is PxErrMsg because it returns
' a pointer. Visual Basic has no pointer types (that I know of).
' You might get it to work by get a pointer to windows memory and
' using that, but it is beyond me right now.
' This module is meant to be a general purpose visual basic interface
' to the Paradox engine DLL. To run it, you need the DLL from Paradox
' Engine. An example of usage is distributed in little video rental
' application called VVDEMO.
' Comments, questions are welcome. If you know of any ways I can
' earn a little extra income to purchase a faster computer (and with
' more memory) that would be welcome too.
'******* Declarations for Using the Paradox 3.5 Engine ******
Declare Function PXWinInit Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal Application$, ByVal Mode%) As Integer
Declare Function PXExit Lib "Pxengwin.dll" () As Integer
'************ TABLE FUNCTIONS *****************
Declare Function PXTblOpen Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblName$, TblHnd%, ByVal index%, ByVal change%) As Integer
Declare Function PXTblClose Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
'************* RECORD FUNCTIONS *******************
Declare Function PXRecAppend Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecInsert Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecUpdate Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecDelete Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecBufOpen Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecBufClose Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecBufEmpty Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecGet Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecFirst Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecLast Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecNext Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecPrev Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecNum Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, RecNum%) As Integer
Declare Function PXTblNRecs Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, nRecs%) As Integer
'**************** FIELD FUNCTIONS ****************
Declare Function PXPutShort Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal sValue%) As Integer
Declare Function PXPutDoub Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal dValue#) As Integer
Declare Function PXPutLong Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal lValue&) As Integer
Declare Function PXPutAlpha Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal aValue$) As Integer
Declare Function PXPutBlank Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXPutDate Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal inDate As Any) As Integer
Declare Function PXGetShort Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, sValue%) As Integer
Declare Function PXGetDoub Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, dValue#) As Integer
Declare Function PXGetLong Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, lValue&) As Integer
Declare Function PXGetAlpha Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal bufSize%, ByVal aValue$) As Integer
Declare Function PXFldBlank Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, Blank%) As Integer
Declare Function PXGetDate Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, outDate As Any) As Integer
Declare Function PXRecNFlds Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, nFlds%) As Integer
Declare Function PXFldHandle Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal FldName$, FldHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXFldType Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal BufSiz%, ByVal fldtype$) As Integer
Declare Function PXFldName Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal FldHnd%, ByVal BufSiz%, ByVal FldName$) As Integer
'*************** SEARCH FUNCTIONS *******************
Declare Function PXSrchKey Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal nFlds%, ByVal Mode%) As Integer
Declare Function PXSrchFld Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal RecHnd%, ByVal FldNum%, ByVal Mode%) As Integer
'***************** MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ****************
Declare Function PXDateDecode Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal outDate As Any, mm%, dd%, yy%) As Integer
Declare Function PXDateEncode Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal mm%, ByVal dd%, ByVal yy%, pDate&) As Integer
' note: PXErrMsg returns a string, not an integer
Declare Function PXErrMsg Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal error_code%) As String
'******************* NETWORK FUNCTIONS ******************
Declare Function PXNetUserName Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal buffer%, UserName$) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetFileLock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal FileName$, ByVal lockType%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetFileUnlock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal FileName$, ByVal lockType%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetTblLock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal lockType%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetTblUnlock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal lockType%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetRecLock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, LockHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetRecUnlock Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, ByVal LockHnd%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetRecLocked Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, Locked%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetTblChanged Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%, Changed%) As Integer
Declare Function PXNetTblRefresh Lib "Pxengwin.dll" (ByVal TblHnd%) As Integer
' Variables used only in this module
' What must be defined in global: NUMBER_OF_TABLES
Dim hTable(NUMBER_OF_TABLES) As Integer
Dim hRecBuf(NUMBER_OF_TABLES) As Integer
Dim hRecLock(NUMBER_OF_TABLES) As Integer
Dim iTableIsClosed(NUMBER_OF_TABLES) As Integer
Dim alpha_field As String * 256
Dim px As Integer
Const PX_OK = 0
Const PX_KEYVIOL = 97
Sub PXError (ByVal error_code As Integer)
' General purpose error trapping.
' If the error is not critical (that is, the database is OK),
' return to the user. Store message that they can retrieve if
' needed by calling dberrormsg().
' If the error is critical, processing cannot continue, and
' this routine will END THE PROGRAM
If error_code = PX_OK Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Non-critical errors:
Select Case error_code
Case PX_OK
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Select
Msg$ = "Paradox database error code: " + Str$(error_code)
' alpha_field = PXErrMsg(error_code)
' Msg$ = Msg$ + alpha_field
MsgBox Msg$, 0 + 16, "Database Error"
End Sub
Function DBInit (ByVal AppName$) As Integer
' Start the paradox engine for windows
' for now always use mode of: PXSHARED
px = PXWinInit(AppName$, 2)
If px = 82 Then
DBInit = PX_OK
Exit Function
End If
If px Then
Msg$ = "Unable to start Paradox engine, code: " + Str$(px)
Msg$ = Msg$ + " Remember to type SHARE before starting Windows"
MsgBox Msg$, 0 + 16, "Database Initialization"
End If
DBInit = PX_OK
End Function
Function DBExit () As Integer
' Shutdown the paradox engine
DBExit = PXExit()
End Function
Function TableOpen (ByVal Tblnum%, ByVal TblName$)
' Open a table and allocate one record buffer for it.
' Application calls this routine once for each table.
' Note that it creates table and record handles for use in
' other database routines. They get the correct handles by
' indexing into the handle array with the application assigned
' table id - should be a const in their global declaration,
' and MUST be sequentially assigned starting at ZERO.
px = PXTblOpen(TblName$, TblHnd%, 0, TRUE)
PXError (px)
px = PXRecBufOpen(TblHnd%, RecHnd%)
PXError (px)
px = PXRecBufEmpty(RecHnd%)
PXError (px)
hTable(Tblnum%) = TblHnd%
hRecBuf(Tblnum%) = RecHnd%
TableOpen = PX_OK
End Function
Function GetRec (ByVal Tblnum%, ByVal Action%)
' Get a record and move it to the record buffer.
' Note that it uses table and record handles created in TableOpen()
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
hrec% = hRecBuf(Tblnum%)
Select Case Action%
px = PXSrchKey(hTbl%, hrec%, 1, 0)
PXError (px)
px = PXRecFirst(hTbl%)
' check for end, not found, etc.
PXError (px)
px = PXRecNext(hTbl%)
PXError (px)
px = PXRecPrev(hTbl%)
PXError (px)
px = PXRecLast(hTbl%)
PXError (px)
End Select
If px Then
GetRec = px
Exit Function
End If
px = PXRecGet(hTbl%, hrec%)
PXError (px)
GetRec = PX_OK
End Function
Function UpdateRec (ByVal Tblnum%) As Integer
' Uupdate the record that is current (last one retrieved)
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
hrec% = hRecBuf(Tblnum%)
px = PXRecUpdate(hTbl%, hrec%)
PXError (px)
UpdateRec = px
End Function
Function AddRec (ByVal Tblnum%) As Integer
' Add a new record. If file is not indexed, goes at end
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
hrec% = hRecBuf(Tblnum%)
px = PXRecAppend(hTbl%, hrec%)
PXError (px)
AddRec = px
End Function
Function DeleteRec (ByVal Tblnum%) As Integer
' Delete current record (most recently retrieved)
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
px = PXRecDelete(hTbl%)
PXError (px)
DeleteRec = px
End Function
Function PutAlphaField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, ByVal FieldVal$) As Integer
' Move field to paradox buffer
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum%)
alpha_field = FieldVal$
px = PXPutAlpha(hrec%, FieldNum%, alpha_field)
PXError (px)
PutAlphaField = PX_OK
End Function
Function PutShortField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, ByVal ShortVal%) As Integer
' Move field to paradox buffer
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum%)
px = PXPutShort(hrec%, FieldNum%, ShortVal%)
PXError (px)
PutShortField = PX_OK
End Function
Function PutNumField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, ByVal NumVal) As Integer
Dim nDouble As Double
' Move field to paradox buffer
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum%)
nDouble = NumVal
px = PXPutDoub(hrec%, FieldNum%, nDouble)
PXError (px)
PutNumField = PX_OK
End Function
Function GetAlphaField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, FieldVal$) As Integer
Dim IsBlank As Integer
' Get field from paradox buffer to user buffer
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum)
px = PXFldBlank(hrec%, FieldNum%, IsBlank)
PXError (px)
If IsBlank Then
FieldVal$ = " "
GetAlphaField = PX_OK
Exit Function
End If
px = PXGetAlpha(hrec%, FieldNum%, 255, alpha_field)
PXError (px)
FieldVal$ = alpha_field
GetAlphaField = PX_OK
End Function
Function GetShortField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, ShortVal%) As Integer
' Get field from paradox buffer to user buffer
Dim iShort As Integer
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum)
px = PXGetShort(hrec%, FieldNum%, iShort)
PXError (px)
ShortVal% = iShort
GetShortField = PX_OK
End Function
Function GetNumField (ByVal TableNum%, ByVal FieldNum%, NumVal) As Integer
' Get field from paradox buffer to user buffer
Dim nDouble As Double
hrec% = hRecBuf(TableNum)
px = PXGetDoub(hrec%, FieldNum%, nDouble)
PXError (px)
NumVal = nDouble
GetNumField = PX_OK
End Function
Function LockRec (ByVal Tblnum%) As Integer
Dim iLockHandle As Integer
' Lock the record that is current (last one retrieved)
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
px = PXNetRecLock(hTbl%, iLockHandle)
Exit Function
End If
' check for any other critical error
PXError (px)
hRecLock(Tblnum%) = iLockHandle
LockRec = px
End Function
Function UnlockRec (ByVal Tblnum%) As Integer
Dim iLockHandle As Integer
' Unock a record.
' In this version, only one record per table can be
' locked at any time. Could change in the future
hTbl% = hTable(Tblnum%)
iLockHandle = hRecLock(Tblnum%)
' If no record is locked, exit the function
If iLockHandle = 0 Then
UnlockRec = DB_OK
Exit Function
End If
px = PXNetRecUnlock(hTbl%, iLockHandle)
' If the unlock failed, just go ahead and return
' This is REALLY sloppy coding, should be fixed soon
If px = 110 Then
UnlockRec = PX_SUCCESS
Exit Function
End If
PXError (px)
hRecLock(Tblnum%) = 0
UnlockRec = px
End Function